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Interview with...
Rebecca Hunter

"Part of the reason behind the rom-com vibe of this book is simply the character, Max Jensen, who has always had that vibe throughout the series. I always write some dry humor into my books, but lately I find myself writing in more and more humor because it’s such a joy to write the witty banter and sharp replies between two fun characters..." Click here to read more!

My dearest Gentle Reader, please welcome the lovely Rebecca Hunter to the blog today. I invited her round for virtual tea and chatting. Rebecca is an active member for my local RWA chapter and an all around good egg…


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"What inspired you to write STOCKHOLM DIARIES, CAROLINE? My husband is Swedish, and we have lived in Sweden twice. Both times, I met women from around the world with interesting, unique stories about meeting Swedish men and moving to Sweden. These stories involved chance meetings, uncertain risks and sacrifice, all in the name of love. The whole Stockholm Diaries series is a kind of tribute to all these stories..."

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"We’ve been lucky enough to get chatting to Rebecca Hunter, author of Best Laid Plans about all things romance! Read on to find out some top writing tips, book recommendations and exciting things to come…"


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"Recently, a friend sent me a link to a piece in The New York Times called 'To Fall in Love with Anyone, Do This.'  Fifteen years into my relationship with my husband,  I’m not looking to fall in love per se, though I should add that life with young kids doesn’t always bring out our most loving sides. But as a child of divorced parents, I’m forever intrigued by the idea of how love works—or doesn’t work..."

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The photo above (taken by author Kim Golden) captures Sweden's love for baked goods. For all of December, ginger snaps are everywhere. This crisp, delicate version tastes different than the U.S. version - "sirap" instead of molasses. You can click on the on the icon above for your downloadable pdf file of the recipe!

You know when you just get a feeling when you’re writing? A feeling that your book is kind-of writing itself, that it just… works? Well, I got that feeling about the book I wrote last fall, and I sold it to Harlequin’s new super-sexy Dare line in a three-book deal. But the real story behind any success is always a little messier than that, right? Click here to read more!

"If you like romance in faraway places, then Stockholm Diaries, Caroline, the debut contemporary romance by Rebecca Hunter, is just the book for you. And, since Rebecca lived in Stockholm for some time, she is able to give an accurate flavor of the city in which her heroine and hero find their way to true love..."

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